We place each order for the maximum duration allowed by law which is 7 months or 210 days. We cannot extend any order past the maximum duration allowed by law without seeing a patient for a renewal visit.
In order to renew your medical marijuana certifications (commonly referred to as "prescription" or "orders"), state law requires that you need to schedule an appointment with our doctor once every 210 days (or seven months).
Please review our pricing structure and other FAQs on our website, https://socommjclinic.com/pricing. Below are some expected costs of being a medical marijuana patient in Florida. Our Certification appointments are $165 each, and the orders ...
Thank you for considering Southern Comfort Marijuana Clinic for your care. If you complete our Prequalification Survey on our website or ask our staff to send you our Welcome Email by providing us your name and email address, a "Welcome Email' will ...